각 악기별 소리를 위한 레퍼런스 입니다.
계속 업데이트 및 수정 중입니다.
질문 및 문의는 이메일 혹은 문자 남겨주세요,
flap (for Bassoon): 스타카토를 연주할 때처럼 혀로 리드를 두드리면서 소리를 낼 수 있음
fistula sound (for Bassoon): exhaling into the crook without the reed
fistula sound (for Bassoon): exhaling into the crook without the reed
MM.18 Crot. on Timp, bow
MM.29 Cym. on Timp, bow (영상에서는 Bass drum으로)
MM.42 Timp. superball mallet, rub
MM.62 W-Tube / mallet +o+o+ (팀파니 외 소품악기 사용이라, 불편하시면 생략하셔도 됩니다)
MM.71 Bowl on Timp, bow / MM.75 (high) ==> Overtone
Percussion 1
MM.1 with overturned bowl on the strings, constantly turning (from 2:26)
MM.73 Mar. with B.drum mallets (one mallet for two notes)
MM.88 Waldteufel spin a lot! (영상보다 많이 술술~ 돌리면 됩니다)
Percussion 2
MM.1 suspended (mini) Cymbal, constantly bow with high overtone (from 4:50)
MM.44 Vib, bow and superball mallet, pitch bend
MM.105-113 [Improvisation]의 과정 전체를 이런 방법으로 생각하고 있습니다
MM.19 with Superball mallet in the lower register strings rub down
MM.26 whistle (from 9:12)
MM.30 with screw driver, slide glissando (from 14:58 "The Single String Glissando Effect")
MM.73 gliss. with paint brush slowly (from 24:50)
Clips on the Strings for Vn, Va (Vc. and Cb. in similar way)
MM.106 Crushing noise only with the pressure of the bow without bowing (from beginn for Cello)
about MM.58 right in front of the tailpiece 색깔 덧입혀진 현